Payment Policy

How do I pay for my order?

Any preferred digital payment option may be used to make the payment. We accept payments using UPI, Credit & Debit cards (including international), Netbanking, and Paytm Wallets.


What should I do if my payment fails or doesn't process?

Please contact our support team if a transaction fails, and they will assist you.


Are online payments on Mesmerro secure?

Online payments on Mesmerro are secured via SSL to keep your transaction details safe & confidential. We do not store your payment credentials on our servers. Online payment service is provided by third-party payment gateways and banks who adhere to standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council. The PCI Security Standards Council was created as a joint initiative by the four major credit-card providers: American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover, in the year 2004. Over the years, the PCI-DSS standard has become the guiding principle for online security across the globe.