Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. We acquire information from you and use it efficiently while protecting your privacy. By using the services offered by, you consent to Mesmerro collecting and using your data in the ways specified in this privacy policy. Please carefully read the privacy policies.

We want that you:

  •  Utilize our website with ease and convenience.
  • Feel secure when providing us with information.
  • Contact us if you have any queries or concerns involving privacy on this website.

Privacy Policy

We regularly examine our privacy policy, and we might make modifications from time to time. The Privacy Policy changes will take effect as soon as they are published on the website. You can periodically check this page to see the latest update. Your continued use of the website after such revisions will constitute your acknowledgement and acceptance of the terms of the revised Privacy Policy.

How do we use the information we collect and do we share the information we receive?

An important part of our business is customer information. We utilize the data we gather from the website or other sources to get in touch with you, process your orders, give you a customized, interactive shopping experience, and make it easier for you to transact with our third-party marketing partners. This is also done so that we can let you know about our deals and discounts. For example, you can expect to receive a welcome email to confirm your username and password. In order to administer your account, respond to your requests for services, and address your queries, we communicate with you. We occasionally send out service-related messages, such as when we need to temporarily suspend our site for maintenance. You will be well updated on our promotional emails on special occasions. An option to terminate the account appears if you do not wish to receive them. However, you can opt-out of direct promotional communications from the website by following the unsubscribe instructions within each communication from that website, or by emailing us at we share customer information with third parties as follows:

Third-Party Service Providers: We may use other businesses and people to carry out functions for us, such as order fulfilment, delivery, data analysis, marketing support, credit card processing, and customer service. They might have access to personal information that they need in order to do their jobs, but they are not allowed to use it for other purposes.

Promotional Offers: We hope you will find what interests you and reap the benefits of offers and promotions on behalf of other businesses with the help of our periodic customer information on third-party products and services. We might need to share your information with such a business if you take part in these events. Don't hesitate to send us an email at if you'd prefer not to receive such information or offers.

It's possible that we collaborate closely with other companies that offer goods or services on the website. These companies may occasionally run shops or websites where you can buy goods or services directly from them. Other times, we collaborate with these companies to run storefronts, offer services, or sell product lines. We share the third party to access customer information related to those transactions.

Referrals and Gift Recipients: You can use our referral service to notify a friend or other person about our website. We will ask you for your friend's name and email address. We'll automatically email your friend and the person inviting them to see the website. We will also add the recipient's information to our database when you give a gift to them so that we can utilize it in accordance with our privacy standards.

How Secure Is the Personal Information we collect?

Mesmerro places a high priority on safeguarding the security of your personal information. To ensure the confidentiality of your personal information, we have implemented security measures such as the implementation of technological tools, and the use of firewalls, systems, and procedures. In spite of the fact that no security system is 100% foolproof, we are continually reviewing, improving, and upgrading our security technologies to safeguard your privacy.

Links on this website could take you to other websites. Please note that this Privacy Policy will no longer be applicable once you leave our website and will instead be subject to the other website's Privacy Policy.

You accept this privacy statement's terms by using this website. Mesmerro holds the right, in its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or delete portions of the terms of the privacy policy at any time.